ARPM at the Russia Talk forum
The Investment Forum of the Russian- British Chamber of Commerce RussiaTALK was held in Moscow. During the meeting representatives of…
“Pharm Med Circulation 2015” modern aspects of quality control of medicines
Семнадцатого ежегодная конференция Все-Россия на "государственном регулировании в фармации и медицинской техники», который был организован Rosdravnadzor. Участники конференции обсудили вопросы,…
ARPM: Mechanism of “People’s diplomacy” are very important during the crisis
26-Международная фармацевтическая выставка CPhI Worldwide 2015 закончились в Мадриде. Делегация России была представители ведущих фармацевтических компаний и профессиональных союзов. Программа…
ARPM on the first results of the Federal Target Program
The first results of the Federal Target Program “Development of medical and pharmaceutical industry prior to 2020” were presented by…
State officials and pharmaceutical producers discussed the future of the industry within the economic crisis
The Seventh International Conference “What is the condition of the pharmaceutical market?” was held in Moscow. The event was co-organized…
ARPM at the European Healthcare foreign in Gastein, Austria
The 18th Healthcare Forum took place in Bad Gastein, Austria. The forum was attended by a Russian delegation. The event…