ARPM at the European Healthcare foreign in Gastein, Austria

The 18th Healthcare Forum took place in Bad Gastein, Austria. The forum was attended by a Russian delegation. The event brought together over 600 specialists, politicians, scientists, business people and representatives of patients organizations from different countries.

Bad Gastein is a resort town and it has become a traditional place of the forum. Fro many years Austria has been in the top ten countries with respect to healthcare system. The country’s spendings on healthcare account to 8.3% of the total GDP. The Austrian colleagues were glad to shear their experience with the Russian pharmacists.

The Russian mission took part in the session on cooperation of business and the Government within the CIS countries. The session was moderated by the assistant of Director General of the WHO, Oleg Chesnov.

The participants of the session agreed that the experience of a productive pharmaceutical  business relationships is not only a bilateral cooperation between the Government and business, but also a work with patient organizations and industry’s associations. According to ARPM Director General, Victor Dmitriev said that the Russian pharmaceutical producers have an experience of cooperation with patient’s public organizations. Representatives of the Russian Union of Public Associations of patients visited plants of the member companies of the Association, where they were able to learn about technologies of medicine production.

“The Forum in Gastein traditionally brings together professionals of healthcare. Gratefully, the Russian presents becomes more and more significant in the Forum. Today, when the healthcare budgets are being decreased, the cooperation of the state and business is very much in demand. We were glad to exchange experiences with our european colleagues,” noted Mr. Dmitirev.


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