«It is very important to distinguish real innovations from a fake. We have to estimate such things like advantage-hazard, benefit-budget to make a right decision based on «score twice before you cut once» concept», -Viktor Dmitriev, a CEO of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufactures (ARPM) noticed at the VIII Annual forum of innovative technologies InfoSpace.
Viktor Dmitriev mentioned in his speech that any innovative product is interesting if it is not isolated just at one market. For example, a Russian medicine Kortexin, which is included in a list of Vital and Essential medicines, will never be at the European market, because the experts in Europe believe that this medicine do not have a clinical perspective. «Innovations without an export potential are not innovations», — the speaker emphasized.
The question of the rational expenses of budget resources is extremely actual in a current economic situation. If we look at the «Pharma-2020» program we can see that the main accent is made on the developing of medicines of a high price segment as it determines by a high costs research and manufacturing. «The low price segment medicines are lost, however, they are 85% of all the market. When we are talking about innovations, we have to remember about a balance. There is an only one pocket, and getting involved with innovations, sometimes we forget about what the healthcare system really needs and vice versa», — Viktor Dmitriev says.
The annual forum InfoSpace started in 2010 is focused on collaboration of government and private investors to create favourable conditions for innovations. Representatives of The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Science, Rusnano, Roscosmos and others took part in this event.