Life experience, professional knowledge and human conscience do not allow remaining an outside observer in a situation where more and more calls are being made from different stands to divide the industry into friends and foes. When this comes from the lips of jingoistic patriots — not very successful businessmen, it is easy to find an explanation for this: to remove a competitor and take a monopoly position, to catch profit in troubled waters. It is worse when regulators resort to making friends and foes, unable to conduct a productive conversation with the industry and pursuing their personal interests, hiding behind departmental tasks.
For five months of life and work under sanctions, the pharmaceutical industry has shown not only cohesion, but also responsibility in solving problems of maintaining the assortment and affordability of medicines. The dialogue between the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) with members of the Association of European Businesses once again confirmed the commitment of the regulator and business to solve complex issues together, setting the priority task of ensuring the availability of medicines and putting the life and health of the patient at the forefront
This positive example of constructive dialogue should be scaled up by other drug regulatory agencies. And any attempts to divide the companies that provide the population of Russia with medicines into friends and foes, friendly and unfriendly, must be nipped in the bud.
General director V.A. Dmitriev