ARPM awarded Roman Ivlev (Gedeon Richter-Rus) with the best team player award

The annual charity indoor soccer cap “Healthcare Cup 2016” took place on June 4th. The event was organized by the Healthcare Ministry, the Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, and the Trade Union of Health Workers.

Over 20 teams from medical companies participated in the Cup. (FGBU NMIRTS Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPO" Microgen, FGBI "N.I. Pirogov NMHTS", Stada, Polysan, s Petrovax Farm, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Biocad, Gedeon Richter-Rus, Pfizer, Bayer and others)


All the teams showed great skills, both high team and personal performance. ARPM congratulates the winner, and wishes great success and significant achievements in the sport!

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