The regular General Meeting of the ARPM was held in St. Petersburg, where a decision was made on membership in the Association of JSC Tonus, one of the oldest enterprises in the Bryansk region. Today, the company produces more than 30 types of medical products that are not inferior in quality to foreign analogues and are successfully exported to different countries of the world. All products of the enterprise are manufactured using its own patented technologies and are not copies of foreign analogues. The joint scientific and practical work of the Center for Dressings and Suture Materials Used in Surgery, the A. V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and JSC Tonus was awarded the Gold Medal of the II Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments. This year, the company celebrates its 55th anniversary.
«Today’s realities make the interaction and cooperation of manufacturers of medicines and medical devices closer and more relevant. Modern technologies of pain relief and wound healing, especially in demand in the Special Military Operation zone, pose new challenges for such cooperation. Therefore, we perceive the entry of JSC Tonus into the friendly “family” of ARPM as a necessary, timely and correct step,” commented Viktor Dmitriev on the entry of JSC Tonus into the Association.
“I am confident that by sharing the goals and objectives of ARPM, having extensive experience in terms of presence in the market of Russia and other countries, building productive interaction with state regulatory bodies in the field of healthcare and industrial policy, applying legislative norms, patent law and standardization of medical products in practice, we will be able to be useful to the Association and expand the spheres of its interests and influence,” noted Igor Khasin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Director of Strategic Development Programs of JSC Tonus.