The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia responded to ARPM’s appeal

After long-lasting discussions after ARPM’s appeal to the FAS the Association received clarifications on the application of Government’s order №1289 on “Limitations and conditions for medicines from the List of Essential Drugs, that are produced abroad to participate in state trades for municipal needs.”

               According to Order №1289, preferences in state purchases are only given when two or more are trade applications from pharmaceutical producers wishing the EAEU are submitted. These producers are considers as domestic. Also, lack of CT-1 certificate is not a reason to reject the application or cancel the trade. If the application is submitted from a producer that is not located within the EAEU, then the new Order does not apply and the trade is hold according to Federal Law 44.

               The Association expressed its hope, that the given clarifications would stimulate a single approach of Order 1289 is the Regions and will support domestic producers.


               Full text of the clarification could be found at

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