On September 12th, the Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers will organize a press-breakfast "Russian Pharmaceutical Industry: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow!" for journalists and media representatives. There will be discussion of the development and establishment of the domestic pharmaceutical industry during last years, the implementation of the program "Pharma-2020", the prospects of the development of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as an important issue — legislative innovations in the field of medicines provision. The press-breakfast, timed to the 15th anniversary of the ARPM, will be attended by:
• Sergey Tsyb, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
• Dmitry Parkhomenko, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Health Care
• Elena Maksimkina, Director of the Department of Drug Supply and Regulation of Medical Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
• Dmitry Efimov, General Director of «Nizhpharm», Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ARPM
• Viktor Dmitriev, General Director of the ARPM
• Ivan Tyulyaev, First Vice President of «Akrihin»
The Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, celebrating its 15th anniversary, decided to send all funds from the events to the "Children’s Aid Center" Our Home "- an orphanage for orphans and children left without parental care.
Regarding the registration for the press-breakfast and for the requisites of the "Children’s Aid Center "Our Home", please contact:
Pavel Markov,
Head of the Press Service of the ARPM
Tel .: + 7 (495) 231 42 53
E-mail: press@arfp.ru