On June 1, a meeting of federal and regional authorities with representatives of the industry and the scientific community was held in Yaroslavl as part of the All-Russian Pharmaceutical race. The round table was moderated by Victor Dmitriev, General Director of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.
The cluster of pharmaceutical industry and innovation medicine of the Yaroslavl region is an example of a well-built investment policy. It developed from scratch, and in a short time it rightfully became the “pharmaceutical capital of Russia”. Today, the region has a powerful scientific and technical potential that unites modern world-class industrial enterprises: R-Pharm, TEVA, Takeda, which are the members of the ARPM, Pharmoslavl active pharmaceutical substances synthesis plant, NT Pharma, an innovative production modern educational base in the structure of YSU named after P.G. Demidov, YSMU, Pedagogical. Within the framework of the program "FARMA-2020" a center for technology transfer has been created. Pharmaceutical production facilities of pharm giants are designed with the latest GMP requirements.
So, in Yaroslavl, one of Teva’s largest factories was built, focused on the production of generics: as soon as innovative drugs run out of patent protection, it brings to the market their low-cost equivalent. They are used in the treatment of cardiac diseases, multiple sclerosis and many other diseases.
The pharmaceutical complex for the production of finished dosage forms and biotechnological substances R-Pharm and the plant of the international company Takeda are developing in the region. A research base has been created, interaction with leading Russian and foreign institutions is carried out. In the production plan, drugs of various pharmaceutical groups are presented: oncological, hematological, cardiac, immunological, antibacterial, antiviral, including therapy for HIV infection and others.
It is no secret that the pharmaceutical industry is experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel. But Yaroslavl has also solved this problem. On the basis of the Yaroslavl Industrial and Economic College and a technical university, specialists for the pharmaceutical industry are trained. Students of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Yaroslavl State Medical University traditionally take prize places in the All-Russian Pharmaceutical Olympiad. In addition, the FILIN international pharmaceutical innovation camp is successfully held in the region.
At the end of the meeting, Victor Dmitriev stressed that “the Yaroslavl pharmaceutical cluster can serve as a good example for everyone who follows the path of cluster construction in the pharmaceutical industry. Starting from attracting investors, over several years, the Yaroslavl Cluster has evolved into a cluster of modern pharmaceutical industry and innovative medicine, working not only to create and introduce new drugs to the market, but to solve the issues of creating an optimal health model, in which contrivances are quickly included in treatment lists and standards what makes therapy rational and affordable. ”
Yaroslavl pharmaceutical enterprises are optimistic about the future and set the most ambitious plans for themselves. But the main goal of all is the same — to provide citizens with effective and affordable medications.
ARPM Press Service