In Vladivostok, the Pacific State Medical University hosted a scientific and practical conference entitled “Drug Provision in the Far East: Achievements, Tasks, and Solutions.” The conference participants focused on improving the quality of medical care for residents of the region by increasing the availability of modern drug therapy at both outpatient and inpatient levels.
Ensuring the country’s drug independence and the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry are the guarantors of the availability of effective and high-quality drug therapy for residents of any Russian region. This was discussed in his speech entitled “Strategy for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry in the Russian Federation” by Victor Dmitriev, head of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Chairman of the Public Council under the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor). “The task set by the President is to achieve an average life expectancy of 78 years by 2030,” he noted. “It is clear that life expectancy is influenced by many factors: social, environmental, industrial, and, of course, medical, in which drug provision plays a significant role. Creating conditions under which the patient is guaranteed to receive the necessary medicine, and at the same time there will be no harm to his family budget is our common task, and the industry is solving it within the framework of its competence.»
The conference participants were representatives of regional ministries of health, regional branches of the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund, specialists in the organization and informatization of drug provision from Primorye, Yakutia, Novosibirsk Oblast and Sevastopol.