At the session of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on the development of the procurement system, which was held with the support of the Development Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a chairman of committee Olga Pelehataya, summing up the results of the first half of 2017, has noticed a high level of interaction between business representatives and regulators in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Among other things, the speaker has mentioned the attention to “the harm to the economy, to which the imperfect legislation and unwillingness to change it quickly may lead to”.
Commenting the overall results of the session, the General Director of the ARPM, Viktor Dmitriev associated oneself with the chairman of the Committee and he has noticed that the existing methodology for pricing on vital and essential medicines has led to the unprofitable manufacturing of low price segment medicines. “Russian medicines Nystatin and Mezaton have left the pharmacy shelves. The second one is actively using in resuscitation practice. As a result, real threats are emerged for the national healthcare system”, — the speaker mentioned.
The development of the procurement of medicines systems in the regions and at the federal level are under the strict attention of both the government and the society. This issue has been repeatedly discussed by the active members of the Popular Front. Traditionally, these issues along with the analysis of specific cases are discussed at Partnering – a collaborative project of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and the ARPM. This year, on September 28, Kazan will host the V Partnering “Medicines of Russia – to interdisciplinary dialogue”. We invite all interested customers and suppliers to participate in the event.
For more information please contact:
Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Tel.: +7 (495) 231 42 53