The Director General of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Victor Dmitriev, along with friends and colleagues, congratulated the center for helping children without parental care “Our Home” on its Happy Birthday! Now the pupils have a large children’s game pharmacy — an office of vocational guidance.
“From game to profession” is the slogan of the new playroom of the children’s center. There are real pharmacy scales. Young technologists will learn with particular accuracy to weigh bulk drugs. Young doctor’s kits for examining patients and making an accurate diagnosis. Young doctors will not only examine patients, but also write out a prescription. And the pharmacist will give the most effective, high-quality and safe medicine for laziness, for stupidity, for sadness, for greed, for everything!
Many years of good relations have been connecting the ARPM General Director and help center “Our Home”. Victor Dmitriev was the mentor of one of the pupils who dreamed of becoming a pharmacist. Together they went on an excursion to the factory, the boy found out how a pharmacy and a distributor work. At this time, the idea was born to create a career guidance office.
Of course, children get their first "professional" skills through the game. Traditionally, these are role-playing games — a hospital, a store, a pharmacy. Now the center will have a planned, systematic and diverse work on the professional orientation of students. Here, in conditions as close as possible to the real world of new professions, children will receive their first, but amazing experience of professional self-determination.
From the first minutes, the children just fell in love with the pharmacy. They try, play, make mistakes, but enjoy the fact that this is not a "make-believe." Adults joined them. With prescriptions in their hands, they lined up for medicine. Work is in full swing. Everyone smiles and laughs, and their eyes sparkle with happiness.
“In the future we plan to tell children about the history of pharmacy, medicinal plants, about the production of drugs, medical heroes of the World War II. Together with the director of the center, Berta Travnichek and teachers, we made a large educational program, ”Victor Dmitriev emphasized.
Children’s Center "Our Home" is a big friendly family. It created a special model of family education. Children’s age — from 1 month to 18 years. In groups they live by the principle of a large family, which allows them to bring their living conditions to home as close as possible.
The meeting ended with a friendly conversation at a sweet table with treats that the guests and friends of the center brought to the children.
The Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers expresses its gratitude to colleagues who helped to realize the plan. In particular, Sergey Kovalev (Rigla), Sergey Pronyakhin (Furniture Center), Sergey Petrov (Museum of Crafts), Nonna Tiseiko (Northern Star), Victoria Presnyakova (ASNA), Andrey Gorokhov (Infamed K).