The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), Health Ministry of Tatarstan and the Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers invite to professionals to participate at the Fourth Partnering “Russian Medicines. An interdisciplinary dialogue” with will take place in the study center of the FAS in Kazan on September 22.
The topic of drug accessibility for different categories of people in Russia and improvements of the drug provision system become very relevant. Mutual efforts of the Government and business were very successful, however, there are still some problems that prevent the system to fully function.
Therefore, the main agenda of the Partnering will be “Improvement of the system of drug provision to people in Russia and cooperation of business and the state minding each other’s interests”.
The discussion will include:
Regulation of the contract system in state procurements. Issues and solutions of state procurements in regional and municipals.
Future of the central procurement activity. Purchases from a single supplier and its risks and benefits.
Special investment contracts.
The new ruling “odd man out” and it’s implementation. The role of the TPP.
Criteria for the “local product”. The level of production. Improvement of the work of regional TPP experts.
Functioning of CT-1 certificate. Experience in regional purchases under Orders №102 and №1289.
Members of federal and regional ministries that exercise drug purchases, provision, and quality control will participate in the meeting. Members of the State Duma, the General Proctor Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development, FAS, the Riszdravnadzor of Tatarstan, TPP of Tatarstan together with producers, analytical and law companies were invited to participate in the meeting.
Partners of the event are Novartis Pharma, Plisan and Izavarino Pharma. The Partnering will take place with the support of industries media companies: “Pharmaceutical Vestnik”, “GMP News”, “Vademecum”, “Development and registration of medicinal products”.
“The Partnering “Russian medicines. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue” has become a traditional event. Its format allows viewing problems in the industry on the example of particular cases. It gives an opportunity not only to discuss problems of industry members but also with members of the General Prosecutor Office, FAS, regional purchase committees and other members of the regional and federal Government. Based on a number of applicants, the number of participants and the geographical involvement of the event is growing every year. This is due to the fact that a lot of new laws, legislation acts are being implemented.
The host of the event organizer is collecting proposed topics for discussion, in order to understand the main issues that are on the today’s agenda of the industry. It is planned to discuss issues of CT-1 certificate. Unfortunately, the practice of the protocols of its issue varies in different regions. Members of the regional TPP are invited to discuss this problem,” noted deputy Minister of Health of Tatarstan, Farida Yarkaeva.
Based on the history of Partnering the event attracts many members of the pharmaceutical industry. It is a great platform for a productive dialogue between business and the State.
For more information and to apply to participate in the event visit