The Gaidar Forum discussed the problem of digital traceability of goods. In the framework of the round table, experts touched upon the current issues of digital traceability of goods, including medicines. The speakers of the discussion spoke about the problems of the system and the concept of harmonizing existing and future information processes in the context of the holistic IT landscape of Russia and in the EurAsEC space.
Opening the session, Viktor Gridnev, Assistant Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, noted that in the framework of new tendencies of ubiquitous digitalization, the participants expect the formation of a new format and a new approach to this process. “It is necessary to preserve the freedom of movement of goods and ensure the interests of countries that are implementing a traceability system. We consider this project as something new, aimed at a holistic transformation of the commodity circulation process at the expense of a unified digital environment. Principles of organizing digital projects have already been developed, which will continue to be transmitted to other areas. These new universal and technological principles for organizing the process should operate throughout the Union and not create any digital barriers. ”
Victor Dravitsa, director of the Republican unitary enterprise Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Center for Identification Systems and Electronic Business Operations in the Republic of Belarus, in turn noted: “For us, a tense situation has arisen with Russian regulation at the Government level for accounting for various goods. Traceability processes change the paradigm of business processes. With this in mind, information technology and the transition to them should be as painless as possible. We can not allow the introduction of technology, which then will require revision. Whatever groups of goods we begin to subject to these conditions, everyone will meet at the same cash register, which means the need for infrastructure investments in trade. The problem must be considered comprehensively. The market of the Republic of Belarus for 40% consists of import. We need to understand how to handle this product in new conditions. ”
According to Victor Dmitriev, ARPM Director General, the business, while supporting the new digitalization system, pays attention to the avoidance of distortions. “In April 2018, the Government issued a decree that complicated marking by adding a so-called“ cryptotail ”to the previously approved model. This led to a decrease in productivity of at least twice, to an increase in the defects to 50%, to an increase in the cost of goods. It should be noted that most of the drugs manufactured by our companies are on the list of Vital and Essential Drugs, which are tightly regulated in the price aspect. Higher cost reduces profitability, sometimes leading to loss-making. We fear that the "cryptotail" will become defect-forming in our market. Certainly, digitalization is important, but it should not become critically burdensome for businesses and defect-forming for patients, ”emphasized Victor Dmitriev.
Closing the session, Ilya Dimitrov — Ombudsman for the development of the digital economy — noted that the entire digitalization process being implemented is still not calculated from an economic point of view. “The absence in the country of a single designer for the digital economy makes one do insane things. Most of the projects that were presented today are not calculated from the point of view of economics either for the state or for business. There are no ready-made economic models. And this is a question that needs to be addressed. "
Session experts noted that the business, having joined this work, receives great benefits — this is electronic information exchange, the possibility of automatic procedures, and the simplification of many processes, but experts note that interrelation with government agencies is necessary, and processes should be calculated and thought out.