On November 30, in a solemn atmosphere, the annual General Meeting of the ARPM took place at the «Na Kazachyem» Hotel. Representatives of the companies discussed the results of the association’s work in 2021 and announced plans for the coming year.
Representatives of relevant ministries were invited to participate in the event: Elena Astapenko, Director of the Department for Regulation of the Circulation of Medicines and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Dmitry Galkin, Director of the Department for Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. ARPM members highly appreciated the speeches of the speakers, their answers to audience questions, readiness for dialogue with representatives of the pharmaceutical industry in order to develop joint productive solutions aimed at further developing of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and increasing its competitiveness.
At the meeting, the election of candidates for the new membership of the ARPM Supervisory Board was held. Lyudmila Shcherbakova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Velpharm LLC, Artur Valiev, Head of Representative Office of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited LLC (India) Moscow and Dmitry Borisov, General Director of STPC POLISAN LLC were unanimously elected, and were extended powers of Gennady Pyatsky, General Director of AstraZeneca Industries and Denis Chetverikov, President of AKRIKHIN, who currently chairs the Supervisory Board. Victor Dmitriev, Chairman of the Public Council under Roszdravnadzor, was re-elected as General Director of ARPM by the decision of the General Meeting.
The participants highlighted the highly productive activity of the ARPM working groups, thanks to which many topical issues of concern to the industry were raised, and a number of proposals were prepared, which were reflected in the draft regulatory acts in the field of drug circulation.
The event was also marked by the entry of Long Sheng Pharma Rus into ARPM. Ivan Golovatyuk, Acting General Director of Long Sheng Pharma Rus, commented on this event: “Today is an extremely important day for the development of our company, we have joined the ranks of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. We express our gratitude to ARPM for their trust. We are confident that the competence of our team will be useful to the Association, and Long Sheng Pharma Rus is ready to actively participate in the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry.»
Long Sheng Pharma Group of Companies has been operating in the pharmaceutical market since 1995. The main office of the company is located in Hong Kong and since 2015 has been representing the interests of ARPM in the People’s Republic of China, and since 2016 in Hong Kong. In the Russian market, the key direction of the company’s activity initially was the supply of pharmaceutical substances and excipients for the production of finished dosage forms. Today, the company offers its clients comprehensive solutions for the creation of high-tech industries, from design work to the supply of equipment and general contracting. At the same time, the company continues to expand its product portfolio and develop a localized production base.
Concluding the meeting, Victor Dmitriev thanked everyone for the productive well-coordinated work and expressed confidence that many more joint victories and achievements await the members of the association. «Special» covid «conditions in which we live and work, not only present new challenges, but also provide new opportunities, — he noted. — The outgoing year has shown that ARPM, and the industry as a whole, adequately overcome these challenges, increasing production, introducing new drugs to the market, in cooperation with regulatory authorities create a comfortable regulatory environment. Of course, there are still many unresolved issues that need to be addressed, and we are focused on this. I am sure that while maintaining a positive attitude, in cooperation with partners from other industry associations and cooperation with regulators, we will be able to make our market more transparent, competitive and predictable. That, of course, will have a positive effect on the drug supply to the population of Russia.»