ARPM is bringing together a working group to design a proposal for amendments to the Government’s Act

Due to the fact that at the meeting at the Government Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich assigned to roughly work on the issue of the three-step system of preferences to pharmaceutical companies, depending on degree of production, the Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers announced creation of a working group to prepare proposals to the Government’s Act.

ARPM and other industry’s unions have submitted to Mr. Dvorkovich letters with a consolidated position of the business to improve the three-step system of preferences. They believe that granting the preferential status to a small group of pharmaceutical producers, based on the methods proposed in the amendment of the Act №1289, made by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, are discriminatory to the vast majority of companies that produce finished dosage form.

“For the last five years, ARPM has been lobbying the system of preferences based on the level of production. We were happy to hear about the rejection of the project of the Act that would limit producers that do not have a full production cycle to participate in state trades. The project of the Act has been submitted for revision. ARPM expressed an initiative to form a working group of all interested parties. The fist meeting of the group is scheduled on March 1, 2017,” said Mr. Dmitriev.

ARPM is ready to discuss proposals to create various conditions to participate in state trades with respect to companies that have allocated their production in Russia. The place and time of the event will be announced on February 27th.

We invite all interested in participation submit their contact information to the Association of the Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.

tel: + 7 (495) 231 42 53


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