In a frame of Intergovernmental Commission between Russia and Cuba regarding healthcare issues the First Russian – Cuban medical and pharmaceutical business forum has started in Havana. The event is supported by the Ministries of Health of Russia and Cuba, Embassies of Cuba in Russia and Russian in Cuba and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Russia and Cuba.
From the Russian side Igor Karmanyan, the first Deputy Minister of Health, Elena Maximkina, a Director of Drug Supply of Ministry of Health, Alexander Bogatyr, a Sales Representative of Russia in Cuba, Viktor Dmitriev, a CEO of the ARPM, representatives of pharmaceutical companies – the members of ARPM: «NPO Petrovax Pharma», «Pharmsintez» and «PharmEco», various institutes took part in the forum.
The main goal of the form is a development of Russian-Cuban collaboration in Healthcare, pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology, presentation of opportunities of companies in the industry and making a cooperation between universities, institutes and technological parks of Russia and Cuba. Questions regarding double-sided collaboration, certification of medicines made in Russia for selling in Cuba, supply Cuban and Russian raw materials for pharmaceutical manufacturers of both countries and a formation of enterprises are discussing at the forum.
Viktor Dmitriev, a CEO of ARPM, has presented achievements and possibilities of the Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers, spoke about activities of the Association to increase competitiveness of the industry and integration of the Russian manufacturers to international market with increasing production capacity and financial potential of the companies.
«We have great basis of interaction with Cuban partners regarding specific projects: the launch of «Cuban miracle» — «Eberprot-B» injections to the Russian market by PharmEco for diabetic foot treatment; collective research of Monoclonal antibodies by CIMAB S.A. with Nacimbio; work on the creation of vaccines against Hepatitis B and Pertussis», — Viktor Dmitriev has mentioned.
Eduardo Martinez, a President of BioCubaPharma concern, announced that Cuba has all facilities for realization of mutual projects with Russia. «In a frame of intergovernmental commission regulators have to harmonize the regulatory framework to minimize duplication of research and expert procedures. It will help to reduce financial costs along with the time needed for market launch of medicines to Russia and Cuba.», — the speaker emphasized.
Historically Russian-Cuban relationships were always warm and open to mutually beneficial collaboration, and today they are getting a new character. It is a time to move from amiable speeches to real work, to mutually beneficial business development. For the last period, the turnover between Russia and Cuba, according to the Russian Federal Customs Service, shows plus $2 million export growth from Russia to Cuba in 2016, compare to 2015. Even if the share in total export is still small and is about 1.15%, the growth of import of medicines from Cuba to Russia consists $3 million in 2016 compare to 2015 and the share in total import is 9.17%.