ARPM: 100% import substitution is impossible in a pharmaceutical industry

At the XIV Interregional forum «Healthcare and resort medicine», started on 25th of April in Yessentuki, there was a «Medicines Import substitution» round-table discussion. Viktor Dmitriev, a CEO of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufactures (ARPM), as the moderator spoke about the issues of medical import substitution and the quality control in producing Russian medicines.

«100% import substitution in a pharmaceutical industry is impossible by a reason of Russian equipment facilities absence which match with modern standards. Even those companies which talk about the full cycle of medicines manufacturing use import equipment. Unfortunately, we will be technologically dependent for a long time», — the speaker noticed.

Representatives of the French pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and Servier told about the localization of manufactures in Russia. Currently products from the plants located in Moscow and Orel are supplied not only to the Russian market, but also to other countries. This is a great example of «PHARMA-2020» strategy realization, the representatives of the round-table discussion noticed.

While discussing the issue of personnel training for the industry, the speakers emphasized on the professional standards and competence. «This year, the first time we have to pass an attestation, Viktor Dmitriev said in his speech. We have to have a tight cooperation with medical education institutions, Healthcare authorities and business representatives. I’m sure the graduates of 2017 will find themselves in various departments which control different stages of life-cycle and production of medicines.»

During the all history of the annual «Healthcare and resort medicine» forum, it was a significant event for the professional healthcare employees. The main goal is to unite the healthcare community to aid and develop the Russian healthcare system.

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